Monday, September 19, 2011

Pennsylvania State Codes

When it comes to opening and running a toddler classroom, there are many Health and Safety requirements that have to be met.  I have gathered some basic Health and Safety requirements from The Pennsylvania Code for Child Day Care Centers to assist teachers who are opening a new room and also to help teachers keep their rooms up to code.

·  Measurement of play space needed
·  40 square feet per infant
·  50 square feet per young and old toddler
·  65 square feet per child
·  Protective covers must be placed in electrical outlets
·  Cleaning materials should be kept out of reach of children
·  Trash needs to be removed at least once a day
·  The indoor temperature must be kept between 65° and 82°
·  Numbers of the nearest hospital, police department, fire department, ambulance and poison control center should be posted by each telephone in the facility.
·  First-aid kit containing soap, an assortment of adhesive bandages, sterile gauze pads, tweezers, tape, scissors and disposable, nonporous gloves should be kept in every room but out of the reach of children.
·  Toys and objects with less than a 1 inch diameter are not permitted
·  A facility must have a refrigerator
·  A written plan of all activities that promote development of skills, social competence and self-esteem should be listed.
·  Children must be placed at least 2 feet away from each other when sleeping
·  The correct amount of toilets a sinks must be provided:

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