Monday, September 26, 2011

The Importance of Play

"Knowledge arises neither from the objects nor the child, but from interactions between the child and those objects." –Jean Piaget
The value of play is vast.  Children learn by playing.  Playing is a way for children to have personal experience and helps them to physically see how things work.  There are so many domains that children can develop and learn through play. Jeffery Tarwick-Smith states play as “an arena where children learn new skills and practice old ones, both physical and social. Through play they challenge themselves to new levels of mastery. They gain competence in all areas of development-increasing language, social skills, and physical skills…” This means that not only are children able to develop their physical skills by playing, they are also learning social and language skills such as working together, communicating, stretching their minds by using their imaginations, and problem solving. He also states that “Children at play are active explorers of the environment as they create their own experience and grow to understand it.”

Below I have included some videos to show the importance of play in the classroom.
The Importance of Play - Video 1

The Importance of Play - Video 2

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