Monday, November 21, 2011

Blessings Basket Art Project

These days, many schools are beginning to cut arts program from schools.  I feel that the arts are still very much needed in our schools.  The arts are not just a way for children to express themselves.  They arts can also teach children many valuable lessons they need in the classroom. The site Americans for the Arts states that the arts “strengthen problem-solving and critical thinking skills” (Benefits of Arts Education). In the article Young Children and the Arts, it states that the arts…
·         “Plays a central role in cognitive, motor, language, and social-emotional development.
·         Motivates and engages children in learning, stimulates memory, facilitates understanding, enhances symbolic communication, promotes relationships, and provides an avenue for building competence.
·         Provides a natural source of learning. Child development specialists note that play is the business of young children; play is the way children promote and enhance their development. The arts are a most natural vehicle for play” (Goldhawk).
Since Thanksgiving is coming up in only a few days, I did some exploring and found a great Thanksgiving craft for you to do with your students from

·         Ask each student to list 5 things they are thankful for, it can be anything from “Mommy and Daddy” to one of my personal favorites; “Pokemon” (remember these are 3-5 year old kids, and the little things ARE important!)
·         Teacher provides orange construction paper for students to draw an illustration of one of the things on their list.
·         Use poster board or any heavy paper to create the traditional “Turkey” handprint; parents LOVE these!
·         Print out copies of the poem about being thankful. (If the kids are old enough, they can write out the poem themselves.
·         Paint (or write) each child’s list on individual rocks.
·         Assemble, see photos.


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